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What is Orgonite Crystal?


Orgonite crystal is a type of crystal that has been used for hundreds of years to promote healing and wellness. There are many ways you can use orgonite, including making your own with natural materials and using it to protect yourself from negative energy or artificial radiation. In this article, we'll explain everything you need to know about orgonite crystals—what they are made up of, how to make them at home with simple steps and why they're amazing.

Protect Yourself From Artificial Radiation and Negative Energy

One of the most important ways to protect yourself from artificial radiation and negative energy is with orgonite. Orgonite crystals are made at home by mixing resin, crystal and aluminum together in a bowl or container. You can make your own orgonite or buy pre-made orgonite online.

Orgonite is a type of crystal that helps you stay healthy while protecting your body from harmful EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies).

Orgonite at Home

You can make your own orgonite at home using natural crystal and resin materials. All you need is a large crystal point, three small crystal points of a different shape, resin, and an aluminum ring or small scraps of foil.

The process for making orgonite is simple: you place the metal ring on top of the product (or use foil) and then pour resin into it until it reaches the desired thickness. Next add more resin until there are no air pockets left in between all layers - this will help hold them together as they dry out over time. Once everything has set up properly let it sit overnight before removing any leftover crystals by gently tapping them with something flat like an old coffee mug handle or spoon handle so that they fall out onto paper towel instead leaving behind only those pieces which were pressed into contact with each other during manufacturing process.

Use Organic Herb or Flower Petals, Leaves, or Powdered Herbs to Enhance Healing Properties

Orgonite crystal is a versatile tool for healing. It can be used to cleanse and purify the body, as well as to enhance the flow of energy through your being. You can use organic herbs or flowers in your orgonite to enhance healing properties.

You should always use dried ingredients when making orgonite; if you plan on using fresh ingredients, please make sure that they have been thoroughly cleaned before adding them into your mixture! Be especially careful with food coloring—though it might not seem like an issue when comparing it with essential oils (which are toxic), these products contain chemicals that could leach into your orgonite once mixed together with water and other minerals found within an Orgonite stone (like aluminum).

Used on Their Own or With Other Healing Crystals for Added Chakra Balancing

Orgonite crystals can be used on their own or alongside other healing crystals (like black tourmaline) for added chakra balancing. Black tourmaline is a powerful stone for protection, grounding and purification, which makes it an ideal companion to any type of crystal. It’s also associated with security, self-esteem and survival – all things we all need in our lives! Black tourmaline works with the root chakra; this part of your aura is responsible for keeping you safe from danger. If your root chakra isn't functioning properly then you may find yourself feeling insecure or overwhelmed by life's challenges at times - which would explain why many people wear protective amulets around their necks when they feel stressed out by something going wrong in their daily life - such as job worries or relationship problems.

Orgonite Crystals for Protection From EMFs

The resin and metal filings in orgonite are known to absorb, or pull negative energy away from our bodies, leaving us feeling relaxed and energized. This is why it's so important that you keep these crystals close by when you're using your electronics such as laptops, cell phones, etc. If you have an EMF protection device at home, try placing your crystal there instead.

Take Orgonite With You to Promote Positive Energy and Good Vibes

Orgonite is a powerful crystal that can help you create positive energy and good vibes. It’s easy to carry, so you can keep it on your person at all times and use it in whatever way works best for you.

You can use orgonite by placing it in your pocket, purse or backpack; wearing an orgonite pendant or bracelet; using it as part of an indoor decorating scheme; hanging an orgonite object from the ceiling in your home (if possible); or setting up an outdoor shrine with several pieces of orgonite scattered around the yard.

Add Orgonite to Your Home’s Feng Shui Set-up to Attract More Positive Chi

One of the most important things you can do to attract more positive chi is to place orgonite in your home. Here's how:

  • Place a large piece in the center of your home. This will help bring in good energy and keep out bad vibes, as well as attract more chi.

  • Place one or two small pieces near each window or door that faces east/west and north/south respectively (in this order). You should also place them on each side of any fireplace or other focal point that acts as a portal for energy flow through your home - like an altar table.

Recharging Orgonite Through the Sun’s Rays

Recharge orgonite crystals by placing them in the sun for a couple of hours. This is a great way to recharge your orgonite crystals, as sunlight has been proven to be a powerful source of energy.

The resin used in these stones is not meant to withstand direct sunlight, so it's important that you place them outside during the day so that they can release their trapped energy through the sun’s rays. If there are no clouds in view, this will also help improve its effectiveness as an orgone generator or crystal.


Orgonite crystals are an excellent way to harness the healing properties of natural crystals and resin materials in a simple, safe and effective way. They are also an excellent tool for working with chi, the life force energy that flows through all things. By placing orgonite near electronics or other EMF sources such as phones, computers, and televisions you can protect yourself from the harmful radiation that can cause health problems ranging from headaches (or migraines) to more serious illnesses like cancer or leukemia.

Moonstone Crystal Orgone Pyramid Ogan Crystal Energy Tower
Moonstone Crystal Orgone Pyramid Ogan Crystal Energy Tower



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